
“Call the Pool Doctor”

150 Indian Creek Road, McEwen TN 37101


H&W Pools History
    One of the most asked questions by a new customer is “What does the W in H&W Pools stand for?” To answer this question we will have to go back 29 plus years. In 1983, while Alvin was at Dupont, he started talking to a good friend named Dan Wyatt. They were discussing the possible start of a new business to supplement their income because of a recent shift change. Alvin came up with the idea of a swimming pool business. We had an in-ground pool built in 1981, as well as many others in our area. We soon discovered that the closest place for chemicals or service was thirty miles away. Both agreed that it would be a good business for the area, thus H&W Pools was formed. It was decided that Alvin would take Middle Tennessee and Dan Wyatt would take West Tennessee. Letters were written, bank accounts opened, invoices printed and tax numbers obtained. Stock was then ordered and we were ready for business.
    We attended several seminars and water chemistry classes to prepare ourselves for the new business. After only a few months, Dan decided not to pursue the swimming pool business and just do the bobcat work for us as needed on new pools. Instead of redoing all of the paper work, we decided to continue operating as H&W Pools. We have laughed many times 
as our customers try to figure out what the letters stand for in our name. Some ask if it stands for Holland and Wife or Husband and Wife. We had always said that someday when our sons were old enough to help with the business we would change the name to Holland and Sons Pools. After many long hours of pool work as teenagers, neither son showed an interest in continuing in the pool business, so the name was never changed. Our daughters married and one son-in-law, Josh Wilson, showed an interest in the pool business and has helped Alvin for the past eleven years.
    In 2007, Alvin decided to take an early retirement from Dupont to operate H&W Pools full time. We remodeled our store and went to a computer system. Linda runs water samples and sells supplies while Alvin replaces liners, does system repairs and weekly routine maintenance.
    Our small part time business, that started in our home, has grown into a full time successful retail store. As for our name, we will continue with H&W Pools but who knows, maybe someday we will have grandsons or family take over the business.
We wonder if their customers will have the same question ours did. “What do the letters H and W stand for?”
    Alvin and Linda Holland